
Movie Premiere Experience

Lights, camera, action! It’s an original Team Building activity, where each participant will be part of an important and ambitious project: shoot the new blockbuster, the new commercial of your brand, a music clip, or a scene from a great movie...


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We shape teams, we build customer loyalty, we motivate we generate culture, we promote, grow and build brands, we launch products...









Rewards - Trophy

Rewards - Trophy


We will divide the group into teams, and the participants of each group must register a spot in relation to what the company wants to transmit or work. For this, they will become directors, actors and technical personnel, each with a vital function. As in any film, teamwork is necessary if you want to have a perfect result.
Some of the scenes must be recorded at strategic points of the Venue.
After the activity, each team will bring back the iPads and the full roadbook to the organizer. He will edit the videos while the participants are having dinner or after the meeting. The organizer will choose the finalist places as: best original script, best staging and best performance.
After the display, the winner of each category will be announced. The winning teams will pick up their Oscar on stage. (* We need two hours to edit the scenes.)

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  • Staff
  • Activity Dynamic
  • Coordination and Assistance


  • Teams: 6/5 people per group
  • 1 iPad per team
  • Backpack
  • Bottles of water
  • Oscars
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